Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blog #3: How To Gain Lean Muscle Mass

Exercise isn’t what builds bigger muscles it’s the stretching of the muscle when it comes against greater resistance than it’s accustomed to taking on. For example, let’s say you are sitting at your desk and you drop your pencil on the ground. So you bend over and pick it up. Will this help you to build muscle? No it won’t. What if you do it 1,000 times, will this build muscle? Of course not!
So if you already know that lifting your pencil 1,000 times isn’t going to build muscle, then why would lifting such little weight in the gym build muscle? See moving is just moving no matter what the object is that you hold in your hand. So now we get to the question of HOW DO YOU BUILD MUSCLE?
The first thing you must know is that our bodies comprise of different types of muscle tissue, and different work out regiments, diet and supplementing strategies, will also play a role into the type of muscle you build. (I will go into that another day.)
What will cause you to gain more lean muscle mass is actually the stress that you put on the muscle. Ever hear the phrase “NO PAIN, NO GAIN”? It really is such a true statement. You see your body is actually designed in such away that it “LEARNS” to do exactly what it needs and will adapt to the bare minimum amount of stress that you put on it. So in actuality your body is just as active, or lazy as you are, and will always take the path of least resistance just like anything else. This is what I mean:
Say you were walking along and you came across these two paths. Assuming they both lead to the same place on the other side which one would you take?
The one on the right, right? That’s because it is the easiest path to take. Your body is no different, why should it grow more lean tissue if it doesn’t have to? It won’t! However, if you apply stress to your muscles on a regular basis they will have to adapt to the newly induced stress you are putting on them. In a sense what you are doing is tearing down your muscles by putting microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. It is these microscopic tears in the muscle that causes the pain you feel the next day, and it’s for this reason you need to give your muscles rest to recover. After you fully recover from that workout, you will become stronger by the next time you work out. After each work out with proper recovery time, diet, and supplementation your muscular strength, and/or endurance will improve. This newly found strength, it is the evidence that you are building stronger muscle fibers, and increasing your lean mass.
The fact is that if you don’t overwork and overstimulate the muscles contraction, the muscle doesn’t have a need to grow or get stronger at all. Our bodies natural response for coping with physical stress is to become stronger in order to minimize or prevent damage from reoccurring.
My Mission
My mission is to empower you with the knowledge and awareness to increase the quality of your life with preventative illness practices through proper nutrition, supplementation and physical fitness.
Gideon’s Fitness Lab is unique because we customize a physical fitness, diet, and supplementation strategy that is unique to your life style and specific to your goals.
I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.
~3 John 1:2
Your Inspiring Trainer